Monday, 6 December 2010


My time yesterday was Spent cleaning up my Dining room after I had the benefit of a Tiler laying floor tiles a few days ago.  Foolishly I did not heed the one person on the internet that gave him a poor review but went with the majority that gave him an excellent review. The one was right and I can only believe that the others were accepting his standards as NFN (Normal For Norfolk). She had stated that he did not tile to the very edge (he didn't), that he left all his unused grout in her garden (he did) and that he did not leave a clean finish (he most definitely did not).
 So it was with in-trepidation that I started to search for a Plumber. After writing a short list from the local phone book I decided that I would support the community and start with a local guy in the very next village.
      I phoned the number and a lady answered. She sounded sober and I had no reason to suspect that this should not go well. "Is that the Plumber I asked her?"   "Yes" she replied swiftly. "Excellent" I reassured both her and myself, "I need to have a Kitchen Sink and a Bed room hand basin disconnected and removed can you do this for me" going on to explain that I lived in the next village. "Yes, that should be OK" was the reassuring reply, "When do you think you could arrange to this?" I asked, feeling my feet firmly on the ground with this task that I had set myself. With this question she asked me to wait just a second and disappeared to, I presumed, check the diary. Within what could only have been 10 seconds she came back on the line and explained with a total normality and in a matter of fact way "I'm very sorry but he has retired" and put the receiver down. I guess, whilst this is my diary for my renovations, that this incident to day was the catalyst that spurred me on to start this blog for if anything was to illustrate NFN  (Normal for Norfolk) then this Plumber has achieved it magnificently.

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