Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Hi, I'm back.

Sorry for the extended gap but I had some relatives staying with me over the weekend and then just as I was about to throw myself into more work I became extremely unwell and totally incapacitated. I'm still not right but am able to update the blog now and feel a definite improvement. I am not sure what caused the illness but whilst it had food poisoning similarities I actually think I inhaled something nasty when I was repairing a sewer manhole cover in my back-garden.

OK so what have I been doing to get the business running? Well it is all a bit stagnant at the moment (not unlike the afore said sewer!). I am still waiting for the Building Regs. folk to get back to me regarding my plans and whilst I understand these bodies can be notoriously sluggish, when I actually spoke to a guy on the phone it gave me the impression that they are perhaps quicker than most. So fingers crossed.

I am still tendering for quotes regarding the plumbing work which looks like it will be very expensive. The problem is that firstly bathroom furniture is expensive and whilst there are cheap B&Q deals out there you need to remember that the items have got to be durable as some guests of a B&B really don't care too much how they treat them.
       Secondly, to ensure that there is enough water and water pressure available whenever a guest wants a shower or a bath, especially at the peak time first thing in the morning, we will need separate tanks feeding the separate areas. This is further complicated by the need to make a new loft hatch so we can get into the loft and so that the tanks can get in there too. More money. I hope to have all the quotes in by Friday week and then we can make a decision. It is frustrating because probably the best I can hope for is that the guest bath room is completed by mid-April, but as soon as it is done then there is nothing to prevent us from opening up one room to guests.

I really have been physically unable to do very much over the last few days and today was spent catching up with the plumbers and the rest of the day in the office doing an ink drawing of the front of the house so we can use it as a header on our letters and also on the business cards. I used to draw quite a lot but as the Supermarket world became more and more tiring and all consuming (pardon the pun) I found that I just could not make the time to do any artwork at all. I think the last time that I did an actual painting was some 10 years ago. I am not particularly gifted at it, but I really enjoy doing a picture and if it is half decent then I'm happy and probably a lot more chilled too. The other thing I get from it is the ability to appreciate really good art, because those that are gifted are really blessed and quite simply I marvel at how they manage to get everything perfect, how do they do that?

So here is my picture, this is our entire property as seen from the street with the main house to the left and the main guest bedroom is in the section of building in the centre of the picture. The building to the right is the one we hope to make into a holiday cottage, but that is reliant on planning permission.


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