Thursday, 10 April 2014

A daily blog would just about finish me off completely. Robert Plant

Avid followers of statistics will have noticed that this blog keeps a record of the all the posts that have been made since we moved to Norfolk. We reached a peak of 102 posts in 2011 when we were setting up the B&B and opening for business. And ever since then as the business has built up the time to post blogs has reduced.

So, dear readers, if you are missing the frequency with which the wit and wisdom that are dispensed in these pages happens, we hope you'll be pleased to know that there are other places to read the various ramblings of our family members.

You'll have noticed that once in a while a poetic muse happens to Mike and scattered throughout these pages are some of the poems he has been inspired to write. That love of poetry has been passed down to another generation; our son is currently posting daily 'Six lines that rhyme'. Enjoy his poetic creations here:

Meanwhile in deepest Somerset our daughter has, this week, completed on the purchase of her first house. You'll be able to follow her adventures in knitting, stitching and crafting her home-made home right here:

Which just leaves me and my coaching / management blog which has been untouched for months. But give it a couple of months when I'll be reducing my days worked externally to 4 and I'll be  blogging, tweeting and musing along with the rest of them. I bet you can't wait!


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