Sunday, 11 August 2013

Saturday's child works hard (very hard) for her living......

Now I'm working full-time Saturday is officially my day-off! Here's how it went:

7.00 Got up, dressed and at work by...
7.10 Prepare baked cinnamon grapefruit x 3 ( remember to use the correct knife after being told off by the Head Chef yesterday when preparing grapefruit before going to work)
7.15 Prepare fresh fruit salad
7.30 Start Blueberry compote cooking
7.35 Make American Pancakes - as enjoyed by genuine Americans twice in the last month!
7.50 Put coffee on and take out juices, milk and water to the dining room
8.15 Welcome first couple of guests for breakfast (on time)
8.16 Welcome second couple of guests (who were due at 8.30, so suddenly our timing for the cooked breakfasts is thrown out). Waitressing duty.
9.00 Eat breakfast (on the business) - we like it when someone chooses pancakes as there is always some mixture left over which can't go to waste

9.15 Say goodbye to second couple.
9.20 Start clearing guest's breakfast things away.
9.45 Chat to first guests as they get ready to depart
10.00 Off to the village hall to help set up the Hindolveston CIA (Crafts in Action - they are not really spies here in deepest Norfolk) exhibition featuring items made by the residents of the village.
11.50 Pop back home for more exhibits as there are some empty spaces in the hall
12.55 Finish the setting up and labeling of the exhibits and return home
1.00 Start clearing up kitchen (Mike has been busy all morning getting the two B&B rooms cleaned)
1.20 Make lunch
1.25 Thank the lady who has been cleaning the cottage for us in recent weeks (what a god-send! she is) and make arrangements for when she can help out next
1.30 Eat lunch
1.45 Start making two lemon drizzle cakes, one for the cottage guests and one for the B&B guests
2.00 Carry on clearing the kitchen
2.20 Clean downstairs cloakroom
2.30 Add drizzle to cakes
2.40 Have shower and clean our bathroom
3.05 Chat to first guests who have returned to collect something they left behind
3.10 Take cake to cottage and check all is ok there
3.30 Greet new B&B guests (who had sent a text to see if they could arrive early!)
3.45 Serve tea and cake to B&B guests in the garden
4.00 Take phone call from cottage guests advising us they are 40 minutes away
4.10 Have cup of tea
4.12 Daughter phones - chat whilst drinking tea
4.25 Clear away B&B guests tea things
4.40 Cottage guests arrive - give guided tour of cottage and garden
5.10 Have an ice-cream in garden with Mike, B&B guest chats to Mike about his photos
5.30 Requested by B&B guest that their duvet is changed for a non-allergenic one.
5.45 B&B guests go out for the evening, we change duvet, also remove feather mattress topper and pick up loose feathers!
6.15 Realise we've not thought about food for tomorrow for dinner with friends who will be visiting and head to Budgens in Holt. Buy fish and chips for our supper as we're too tired to cook.
7.15 Supper in front of TV
8.00 Work on Anticipated Issues report for my coaching qualification - my anticipated issues are concerns about finding clients but apparently this should be about ethical issues, crossing boundaries and concerns about gender or cultural differences!
9.30 Try (and fail) to stay awake to catch the sports news on TV
9.32 Asleep!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

The chalky white milestone has no interest in how far London is from Norfolk

Despite the full on workload I notice from the photos on my camera that there have been some breaks in the period of July and August. A morning here or an afternoon there that have enabled us to slow down to the infamous 'Norfolk time' and let the delights of the area gently wash over us, sometimes literally.

My old favourites the poppy fields started to pop up (if you'll kindly excuse the pun) all around. There was no singularly spectacular field but many corners and half fields that captured the romantics heart. On our route into Holt there was a lovely little tableau, a timeless little scene that could have looked just as much in place a hundred years ago as it does now.
It represents the spirit and soul of Norfolk in such a succinct way. In the background an insignificant road slips over the brow of an insignificant hill and trickles down past a small pond of poppies. Sunken amongst the poppies a large white washed, sun washed milestone stands strong and firm it's roots well imbedded into the verge.
And behind the scene white cotton wool puffs of cloud hang on a fictitious blue sky, there is a feeling of drowsiness in the air. The chalky white milestone  has no interest in how far it is to London, it is of no importance. For why would any one want to know how near they are getting to London?

No it's statement is far more reassuring than that as it simple tells us that we are "122 Miles from London" with a subtext mumbling "and praise be to that!"

More of our recreation later......


Friday, 9 August 2013

I don't know much... but it is safe to say that I knows me onionssss!

It is late on a Friday night or to be totally correct early on a Saturday morning and I am eeking out the day to quickly fit in a blog update. Time has been at a premium recently and if I don't make time to add to the blog it is likely to be another two weeks before I do so.

Just two months ago we were concerned that bookings seemed to be drying up but that was clearly the lull before the storm as July into August has been probably our busiest period todate. Having added to our associated sites we have received some extra bookings and this along with a general pick up has led us to have both rooms booked for a significant period of time.

As a result we have had very little time to enjoy that Norfolk sunshine or indeed to get out and enjoy those beaches. We are not complaining, far from it as clearly in our line of business we need to take as much money as we can whilst the going is good.

However I am getting a little frustrated that all the hard work that I literally ploughed into the allotment may well be wasted as I struggle to find even half an hour free time to get down there. Throughout the day I watch the combine harvesters and tractors trundle along our road as they are busy pulling in the harvest of potatoes, peas, barley and wheat. Mean while my beautiful sweet broadbeans that I was eating raw from the pod are growing ever bigger, my cabbages are exploding with size and my courgettes are quickly becoming marrows.
Today went a little like this;-

07:00hrs Got up, fed the cat and started to prep the breakfast (Alison helped before going off to work).
08:15hrs first couple arrived for their breakfast.
08:30hrs The electrician arrives to fit a new bilge pump for my front yard (very urgent, stops flooding).
08:45hrs second couple arrived for breakfast.
09:15hrs first couple finish breaky.
09:30hrs first couple go out for the day.
At this stage having served 4 first courses (3 types) and 4 breakfasts (4 different choices) along with the croissants, tea and toasts my kitchen was somewhat beyond a 'working mess'.
09:45hrs whilst collecting dirty plates, get talking to guests,  a process which gets more involved on each return. They show interest in my photos so I show them my 'collection' book. We talk about their travels and other things and before we know it....... it is .....
11:15hrs They get ready to go out whilst I check the tide times and availability of the boat trips to see the seals at Blakeney Point.
11:30hrs second guestsgo out for the day.
11:40hrs I had breakfast and sit down.
12:00hrs Cleared breakfast table.
               set up dishwasher, washing machine and spin drier.
               Ironed sheets for tomorrows change over of B&B rooms.
13:10hrs vacuumed living room.
13:30hrs Put 'smalls' into wash (life goes on don't you know!)
13:50hrs Carried out room service on the two rooms.
14:30hrs went shopping for top up breakfast items (far more cooked breakfasts than normal).
15:40hrs put shopping away and reloaded washing machines.
16:15hrs went to allotment for first time in two weeks and sythed down the weeds then mowed the paths, oh and weeded the flower bed.
17:50hrs phoned home and asked Alison if she would cook dinner for me.
17:30hrs got back home and helped Alison to clear up the kitchen.
19:30hrs had dinner and then tidied living room as guest wanted to talk quilting to Alison.
20:30hrs more washing and more drying.
21:00hrs met up with second guests that wanted to talk quilting to Alison
22:45hrs second guests go to bed.
24:00hrs first set of guests get home and go to bed.
24:10hrs lay the table for tomorrows breakfast.
24:30 start blog.

And so it goes.

I did manage to harvest some food several weeks back and laid it all nicely out to display for this blogg.................
Onions, Red onions and shallots...... yeppp, I know me onions.

Cabbage, Curly Kale, courgettes, Broad beans, beetroot, cauilflower, new pots, rhubarb etc.

Ok, it is now 01:15hrs and I'm beginning to nod off so I shall have to catch you all again soon.

Tomorrow is a busy day with all of the above plus both B&B rooms needing a change over for new guests and the cottage also requires cleaning, bed linen changed (x 4) .....

I love it but I really want to get out there and take some photos like this sunset at Wells...

Good night.
